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Out and about

Outstanding Provision for Children

Outside play offers many different opportunities to being indoors. We believe that the outdoor and indoor learning spaces are equally important and both should provide a rich and stimulating environment.

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), says that settings must “ensure that children have opportunities to be outside on a daily basis all year round”.
Fresh air and open space allow children to be energetic and physical. Many children learn best when their experiences involve the freedom to move around a lot and being outside means more space for activities to be done on a larger scale, such as huge paintings, building with big objects, or running around! The outdoor environment is always changing with the weather and the seasons, and is full of surprises that provide learning opportunities.

The outside space naturally offers an environment to stimulate all the senses – come and smell our flowers, taste the mint and chives we grow, listen to the noises around you – birds chirping, wind blowing the trees, explore everything first hand by getting in and having a go!

‘Risk taking’ means lots of things. Using a hammer to bang a nail, building a big construction that might topple over, or trying something for the first time, all involve a little bit of risk. This is an important part of a child’s development. Being able to take a risk builds confidence, involves making decisions and provides opportunities to work together. Risk taking relies on having a safe and secure environment with observant adults to support and extend young children. We help children to understand safe boundaries, know their personal limits, and help them meet their own challenges. The outdoor space is the ideal place for these experiences. Come and see!

“The best kept classroom and the richest cupboard are roofed only by the sky”
- Margaret Macmillan

Now that you know what we get up to outside, don’t forget to dress your child in clothing that can cope with being physical and getting messy. However, we do have some all-weather suits, should you forget!

You might like to try out some of the activities we do at the nursery, when you are outside at home or at the park. We always have updates of what we are doing at nursery – check the parent notice board in the entrance of the nursery or watch out for the news email that comes to you via our Blossom programme.

If you would like to help the children at the nursery with some gardening or another outdoor project, please let us know so you join in such times as Fathers Day afternoon, Grandparents Day, Sports Day etc.

“The outdoor environment can provide more freedom for a greater range of play and learning and it’s every child’s entitlement”
- The Sky is the Limit – outdoor learning in the early years; Learning Through Landscapes 2009